A single soldier shares his opinion with other members of the BOSS team.
DAEGU GARRISON - Quality of life is an area of importance to everyone. It can be associated with aspects of life that range from happiness to human rights and freedom, and for U.S. Army leaders, the welfare of Soldiers is a matter that is never taken lightly. Like the Department of Defense, leaders across USAG Daegu and Area IV, are committed to ensuring men and women in uniform are given every opportunity to exist in an environment that is safe, healthy and sound.
One way of accomplishing this is through the Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers (BOSS) program. According to CSM Ray Thornton, CSM, USAG Daegu, leaders throughout the military are in some way associated with BOSS activities in their respective areas. "This means that leaders are always trying to determine what is best for the Soldier, and how we can come together and produce programs that will further enhance their quality of life. We in essence want the Soldiers to get out of the barracks and participate in available events and activities. We want them to in this case, enjoy the community and the different cultural aspects of Korea," expressed CSM Thornton.
Officials say the mission of the BOSS program is to enhance the morale and welfare of single Soldiers, increase retention and sustain combat readiness. BOSS is the collective voice of single Soldiers through the chain of command, which serves as a tool for commanders to gauge the morale of single Soldiers regarding quality of life issues. Additionally, BOSS also sponsors a variety of activities before, during and after deployment to maintain the morale of single Soldiers affected by increased operational tempo and deployment stress.
During a recent meeting with USAG Daegu and Area IV BOSS representatives, CSM Thornton had an opportunity to listen to some of the ideas and suggestions BOSS representatives put on the table. Since its creation, BOSS has served as a means through which ideas regarding Soldier interests can be made known to senior leaders. The program allows a BOSS member an opportunity to have a voice in how fellow Soldiers might better spend their leisure hours and or tour in Korea. The exchange, according to HHC, USAG Daegu BOSS Representative, .Shana K. Brown, "The BOSS meeting is an excellent forum that provides an opportunity for free flowing dialogue between the CSM and other representatives."
BOSS has programs at 48 installations in the Continental United States, and 47 installations outside the U.S. Each installation has an MWR advisor for BOSS programs, who is in the Directorate of Community [and Family] Activities (DCA or DCFA). An elected committee or council of soldier representatives from installation units operate the BOSS program; the command sergeant major approves the committee members who serve for one year. Upon being elected or appointed, BOSS representatives are placed on additional duty orders and are expected to be at all BOSS meetings when the unit mission does not dictate otherwise.