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AER renews commitment to Yongsan Army family

Cpl. Moon, Hung Ju (USAG Yongsan Public Affairs)

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'Chief Warrant Officer Monifa d. Rucker, chapter president, and the members of the U.S. Army Warrant Officer Association kickoff the fund drive to Army Emergency Funds by contributing $500 dollars to the start campaign of the campaign, 3 March at the Yongsan ACS' (Photos by Mr. Aaron Arch U.S. Army Warrant Officer Association).

YONGSAN GARRISON – Soldiers, family members and community members kicked off the start of the Army Emergency Relief (AER) Campaign during the start of the donation drive, Mar. 3, at the Yongsan ACS.

AER, a private nonprofit organization founded in 1942 by the Secretary of War and the Army Chief of Staff, serves the purpose of collecting and holding funds that are easily approachable for those who are short of budgets.

Army conducts the AER Fund Raising Campaign annually during the period 1 March through 15 May and Yongsan followed suit, during a speech by the Command Sgt. Maj. Hodgkins, garrison command sergeant major.

“Welcome solders, civilians, family members and volunteers. A special thanks to all the people coordinating this 2015 Area II AER Campaign and thanks in advance to those who will open their hearts and help someone in need.”

She continued, “We have all experienced challenges in our lives, and money problems are one of the top stressers in our military. I encourage each of you to inform your fellow soldiers about AER when they have financial emergencies. The program is there to help them, so please make sure they know about it.”

Following her speech, a video showcased, testimonials from people who have been assisted by AER and what the campaign provides to service members and their families.

Chief Warrant Officer Monifa d. Rucker, chapter president of The USA Warrant Officer Association spoke to the crowd the importance of the program.

“We are concerned with the welfare of all soldiers and their family members,” she said. “Our donation is to support the communities that we work in and to assist on reducing any financial hardship that a soldier may encounter while assigned to Korea.”

In 2014, AER assisted 53,000 soldiers with more than $74 million. Locally, Area II AER program assisted 152 people with approximately $220,000 in emergency aid and $20,000 in grants last year.

Ann F. Mancillas, financial readiness manager and AER officer, closed the event with a goal to the attendees, “I hope we can exceed those numbers this year to help them get through the tough times, to assit our army community even more.”

The event ended with AER Key Person training to individuals representatinge each unit on Yongsan. They were educated on how the program works and encouraged to make sure their soldiers in their unit are aware that there is currently an actual donation drive going on.

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