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SHARP training a visible part of the Area IV landscape

Park, Yesin (USAG Daegu Public Affairs Office)

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DAEGU GARRISON — Sexual assault is a topic that has been making headlines throughout the Department of Defense for quite some time. While it may seem redundant, there are no signs of Senior leadership or unit commanders letting up on getting the word out that such behavior will not be tolerated on any level. To ensure this, SHARP (Sexual Harassment, Assault, Response and Prevention Program) Training has become a constant in training sessions throughout USAG Daegu and Area IV.

According to Cpt. Lanakia S. Glover, Company Commander, HHC USAG Daegu, “Sexual assault can occur throughout and beyond, degrading mission readiness by harming the life of the victim, and the military’s ability to work effectively as a team. For the unit leader, attention shifts from the normal duties involved in maintaining readiness, to addressing a victim’s needs, investigating the alleged perpetration, and restoring the unit’s cohesion and trust,” explained Glover.

It is the strength of the comment made by Cpt. Glover that reminds us of just why it is important to keep SHARP on the front burner. Officials say that SHARP is about educating people and creating a changing culture where reporting sexual crimes is in keeping with Army values, and the Warrior Ethos.

Reiterating the message imparted by Cpt. Glover, Janis K. McCollum, SHARP Victim Advocate, USAG Daegu, Camp Henry stated, “We are working 24 hours a day trying to do what we can to bring greater awareness to the community--regarding both the prevention and elimination of sexual crimes. We want zero incidents of sexual harassment and assault.”

The SHARP Advocate further expressed that regardless of how much information is put out about sexual assault, there are still those elements that fail to get the message, or think that the training or warnings do not apply to them. “There are still some people who may not look at what they are doing as assault. They don’t seem to realize that sexual innuendo via comments or behaviors can leave the recipient or target of such remarks or conduct with a very unpleasant feeling. It’s also important to point out that these perpetrators tend to think of their indecent behavior as acceptable. The bottom line here is that they have to know that what they think is trivial, can leave someone else feeling very much imposed upon and annoyed,” stated McCollum.

During the interview, McCollum pointed out that there are a number of reasons why sexual crimes occur. She said, “Alcohol triggers a majority of crimes because people under alcohol influence tend to lose judgment. As a result, they eventually are lead to committing crimes on impulse…crimes like sexual assault.” McCollum went on to say that although individuals commit such crimes, even if they might once sober declare they had not intended to, that will not prevent them from receiving punishment.

McCollum explained that if found guilty a Soldier, for example, could face reduction in rank, confinement and or dismissal from service. “Something to keep in mind is that the punishments do not discriminate. In other words, it doesn’t matter whether the perpetrators are male or female. The U.S. Army and the Department of Defense do not and will not tolerate behavior that is unbecoming regardless of the individual’s rank or gender” she said.

조회수 7회댓글 0개

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